Global Women in Herpetology Network

Global Women In Herpetology Network

What are our goals with this directory?

1. To promote collaborations with and among women.

2. To provide a platform to increase the visibility and online presence for women herpetologists around the world.

3. To compile in one place the incredible efforts towards diversity and equity by women in herpetology around the world.

How does the form work?

All the information requested is VOLUNTARY. However, if you choose to submit a registration form, once the information has been reviewed and approved, all the information you provide will be public on the website.

Where is the directory going to be published?

The directory is an interactive database, with full profiles and links on our website. This will allow users to filter and search based on country, continent, career stage, field of study, etc.

When will my information be available on the website?

Your information will be added to the website after you complete the registration form and it has been approved.

Questions or Corrections

If you have any questions or if there is any mistake in your data please send us an email to and we will be happy to fix it!

If you have some time, please take a break to join the amazing community of women in herpetology around the world!