Women in Herpetology


Deanna H. (Dede) Olson

United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Professional

Institution/Employer: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders, Lizards, Snakes

Personal Website

Organization Website

Estefania Boada

Ecuador, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: La Trobe University

Country & Continent: Australia, Oceania

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Lizards

Personal Website

Organization Website

Olga Jovanovic Glavas

Croatia, Europe

Career Stage: Non-tenure track faculty

Institution/Employer: Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univesrity of Osijek, Department of Biology

Country & Continent: Croatia, Europe

Field of Study: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation, Physiology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and/or tortoises

Carolina Reyes-Puig

Ecuador, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Country & Continent: Ecuador, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Conservation, Systematics and phylogenetics, Physiology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders, Lizards, Snakes

Personal Website

Organization Website

Ana Maria Ospina Larrea

Colombia, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Purdue University

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour

Study Group: Amphibians

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads

F. Gözde Çilingir

Turkey, Asia

Career Stage: Post-doctoral researcher

Institution/Employer: University of Zurich

Country & Continent: Switzerland, Europe

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Conservation, Genetics

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Turtles and/or tortoises

Christina Zdenek

Australia, Oceania

Career Stage: Post-doctoral researcher

Institution/Employer: The University of Queensland

Country & Continent: Australia, Oceania

Field of Study: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation, Molecular biology

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Snakes

Personal Website

Organization Website

Joana Sabino Pinto

Portugal, Europe

Career Stage: Post-doctoral researcher

Institution/Employer: University of Groningen

Country & Continent: Netherlands, Europe

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, Molecular biology, Mivrobiology, Genetics

Study Group: Amphibians

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders

Personal Website

Organization Website

Julia Riley

Canada, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: Mount Allison University

Country & Continent: Canada, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, Molecular biology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and/or tortoises

Personal Website

Nicole Sallaberry-Pincheira

Chile, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: Universidad Andrés Bello

Country & Continent: Chile, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Conservation, Systematics and phylogenetics, Wildlife Rehabilitation

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Snakes

Personal Website