Women in Herpetology


Glauciamara Pereira

Brazil, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Universidade Guarulhos

Country & Continent: Brazil, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Education

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Snakes

Luisa Ribeiro

Brazil, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Country & Continent: Brazil, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation, Molecular biology, Microbiology

Study Group: Amphibians

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads

Heather Waye

United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: University of Minnesota Morris

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Physiology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Salamanders, Snakes, Turtles and/or tortoises

Estefany S. Guerra-Correa

Ecuador, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: La Trobe University

Country & Continent: Australia, Oceania

Field of Study: Ecology, Behaviour, Physiology

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Lizards

Organization Website

Andrea Echeverry-Alcendra

Colombia, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Fundación Botánica y Zoológica de Barranquilla

Country & Continent: Colombia, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Turtles and/or tortoises

Personal Website

Nicki Mitchell

Australia, Oceania

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: The University of Western Australia

Country & Continent: Australia, Oceania

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, Genetics, Physiology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Lizards, Tuataras, Turtles and/or tortoises

Personal Website

Callie Golba

United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Northern Illinois University

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Turtles and/or tortoises

Rubi Meza

Mexico, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Professional

Institution/Employer: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Country & Continent: Mexico, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Systematics and phylogenetics

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Lizards

Sinuon Sao

Cambodia, Asia

Career Stage: Undergraduate student

Institution/Employer: Centre for Biodiversity Conservation

Country & Continent: Cambodia, Asia

Field of Study: Conservation

Study Group: Amphibians and Reptiles

Organization Website

María José Tulli

Argentina, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Professional

Institution/Employer: Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas-Fundacion Miguel Lillo)

Country & Continent: Argentina, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Ecomorphology

Study Group: Reptiles, Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Lizards

Personal Website

Organization Website