Women in Herpetology


Mariana Vasconcellos

Brazil, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Post-doctoral researcher

Institution/Employer: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Country & Continent: Brazil, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and phylogenetics, Genetics

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Lizards

Elisa Cabrera-Guzmán

Mexico, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Non-tenure track faculty

Institution/Employer: Oklahoma State University

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation, Education

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders, Lizards

Kylie Robert

Australia, Oceania

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: La Trobe University

Country & Continent: Australia, Oceania

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, Physiology

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Lizards, Snakes

Personal Website

Organization Website

Chitra Rekha Basyal

Nepal, Asia

Career Stage: Undergraduate student

Institution/Employer: Institute of Forestry, Pokhara Campus

Country & Continent: Nepal, Asia

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Turtles and/or tortoises

Organization Website

Kristina Chyn

United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Post-doctoral researcher

Institution/Employer: Texas A&M University

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and/or tortoises

Personal Website

Andrea Paz

Colombia, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Post-doctoral researcher

Institution/Employer: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH Zürich)

Country & Continent: Switzerland, Europe

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Conservation, Physiology

Study Group: Amphibians

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads

Personal Website

Organization Website

Rita Manzi DeLucco

Rwanda, Africa

Career Stage: Undergraduate student

Institution/Employer: Memphis Zoo

Country & Continent: United States, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation, Education

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and/or tortoises

Nicki Mitchell

Australia, Oceania

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: The University of Western Australia

Country & Continent: Australia, Oceania

Field of Study: Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour, Conservation, Genetics, Physiology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Lizards, Tuataras, Turtles and/or tortoises

Personal Website

Hana Soualah Alila

Algeria, Africa

Career Stage: Tenure-tracked/tenured faculty

Institution/Employer: Souk Ahras University, Algeria

Country & Continent: Algeria, Africa

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation, Microbiology

Study Group: Amphibians and reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Salamanders, Lizards, Turtles and/or tortoises

Jillyan Birtch

Canada, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Career Stage: Graduate student

Institution/Employer: Trent University

Country & Continent: Canada, Americas (Including, North, Central, South and Caribbean islands)

Field of Study: Ecology, Conservation, Education

Study Group: Reptiles

Organism(s) of Study: Frogs and/or toads, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and/or tortoises